Sponsored Content Solving your heavy-duty hydraulic feedlot squeeze chute problem BY DANA CHARBAN When it comes time to choose a new hydraulic cattle squeeze chute for your operation,the options are endless, which brings to surface two key questions: What is the best hydraulic squeeze chute? What hydraulic squeeze chute can actually stand up to high […]
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On Feed in Oklahoma
Filling a Market Niche for Natural Beef Story and photos by Robert Fears Consumer demand for natural beef continues to grow and sustain a market niche for cattle produced through branded programs. A company solely dedicated to producing natural beef is Premium Beef and Grain located about half way between Lone Wolf and Hobart, […]
Training the Next Generation
By Amanda Kishpaugh Greensburg, Kansas Twenty miles off of the highway, down a winding sand road that most people would fail to notice, the Merrill Ranch is tucked away, deep in the heart of south central Kansas. The ranch is comprised of 17,000 acres of grassy rolling hills and red-dirt valleys, and is home to […]
Carhartt Sandstone Ridge Coat
Why am I grinning like a possum in a trash can? It’s because I love this coat AND I can rope in it! There’s a reason why this Carhartt got such great reviews. It’s tough, it has plenty of room in the shoulders, it comes down nice on the waist (there’s a drawstring for all […]
Blondy’s Dude
An “everyday” person’s horse becomes a star. By Lesli Krause Groves Two men named Morgan Freeman have registered horses with AQHA. The most recent, and more famous, has a ranch in Mississippi. You’d recognize his voice if not his name. The actor Morgan Freeman was taking classes in drama and dance when the […]
Stick Around
…this is a good story By Dr. Arn Anderson, DVM Idioms are defined as a group of words whose meaning when used together cannot be deduced from the individual words. We all remember those sayings we learned as a child; “strong as an ox”, “even a blind hog can find the acorn sometimes”, “ curiosity […]
Snow Rodeo’s Unrideable #22 – by Holly Hughes
A WR…. Featuring: Oregon CattleWomen By Kacy Atkinson The Rundown Oregon CattleWomen Founded in 1953 as the Oregon Cow-Belles Mission: to participate in advancing the cattle industry through promotion, education, promote legislation that supports Oregon’s cattle industry. Wendy Bingham, President Catching up with Oregon CattleWomen Oregon CattleWomen (OCW) was originally founded in 1953 as the […]
Moos and Ewes on the Bar 69
A South Dakota family finds the balance between sheep and cows both on the ranch and in the markets Story and photos by Melissa Hemken Access to markets for their livestock is a concern shared through generations of ranchers. In 1972’s “The Cowboys” film, actor John Wayne starred as an Old West-era rancher forced to […]
Summer Trouble
A snapshot of 3 cattle health challenges you need to be thinking about in the warm weather By Rhonda McCurry Problem Parasites Deworming is not a new animal health protocol but it very well could be the most important one for livestock owners. Though it’s always been an issue, during the past ten years controlling […]