Jump to page 24, Coffee Time, for the full press release, but basically our industry has been granted a one-year extension to the current livestock transporter exemption on being fitted with ELD units. Of course, the bill still has to make it through the House before it becomes law, but industry leaders and legislators that […]
Toppin' Out
The Happy Toy Maker
It was just a plain old dollar bill, like the loose ones floating around in your truck console. But where it came from…and where it was destined, would remind us of the incredible spirit of the American beef producing community. The rank odor of charred hay, livestock and rubber tires no longer lingers the devastated […]
New Program
Interesting times at the recent NCBA Convention and Trade Show in Phoenix this past January. I attended a packed-house press event held, surprisingly, by two of the most popular breed associations in America; Red Angus and Hereford. Whatever could they be up to in concert with each other. Well, here’s a portion of the press […]
Why Look Back?
It’s important – like filling up your gas tank for the road ahead By Tim O’Byrne For many of us, 2017 can be best described as a horse that wandered into the yard off the highway sometime during the early morning hours of Sunday, January 1, and proceeded to hang around until just recently, when […]
Tax Relax
Well, every now and again we get some good news, and this came in the form of a tax overhaul. The new Tax Reform plan signed by President Trump on December 22, 2017 brings these exciting new advantages into play Here’s how the new plan works: Section 179. Beginning with the 2018 tax year, producers […]
One-year Delay of ELD Not Yet Achieved
Well, it appears I jumped the gun in the last issue. I reported that we had nailed a one-year delay for our bull haulers on the Electronic Logging Device regulations from the D.C. politicians. Wrongo…it appears as though my ignorance of how the political machine works is showing. I got the news this summer that […]
The Happy Toy Maker
It was just a plain old dollar bill, like the loose ones floating around in your truck console. But where it came from…and where it was destined, would remind us of the incredible spirit of the American beef producing community. The rank odor of charred hay, livestock and rubber tires no longer lingers the devastated […]
A Better Way To Play
Grazing Public Lands is a High Stakes Game By: Tim O’Byrne Grazing on public land is a serious deal for a lot of our readers, and lately we’ve been introduced to what can happen if the parties involved fail miserably at playing the game within the boundaries of acceptable behavior. If all the wasted productive hours burned up over […]
Questionable Quotes
By: Tim O’Byrne Every time we do the Salute to the Feedyard issue, I’m reminded of my own years spent in the hustle and bustle of the pens and feed lanes. And so, it is only fair that I impart unto you some of my musings. SIX QUOTES THAT WOULD NEVER BE ATTRIBUTED TO TIM O’BYRNE THE PENCHECKER: 1. “Plugged […]
BLM Reasoning (today's oxymoron)
By: Tim O’Byrne Pssst! Word on the gravel road is… the BLM doesn’t recognize cheatgrass. Yeah. Cheatgrass as a forage does not officially exist to the BLM according to reliable sources. That’s why the formidable bureau refuses to include it in a range analysis as having at least some nutritional value, encouraging grazing and control […]